5D Healing Crystals

Galena, Sphalerite ,Pyrite and Clear Quartz from Peru


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Gorgeous Combination Mineral Needle Quartz, Galena, Pyrite & Sphalerite combination Cluster From Peru

Properties: Sphalerite is great for the lower chakras. It Is all about balancing the yin and yang energies. This makes it ideal for helping in difficult situations, where you need to find insight and direction. Good for transition periods like moving, a job change or any change. Helps hear the truth in, so can be used in meditation to understand what is real and what is illusion or deception.

This stone helps with: The male and female reproductions system, passion, the immune system and infections.



Properties:Transformation Stone – if you need to change because what you’re doing isn’t working, this is the stone for you. Deep spiritual Journeys. Stone of Awakening & Realigning on the Earth Plane.  Past Life Recall as an aid on this time line. Overcome your deep dark fears. This can be fears you are not aware of. Always remember you can change, at any time, at any age. Discover yourself & find your path to joy & bliss. Allows you to forgive others as well as yourself. Each minute is an opportunity to be who & what you want to be.

This stone helps with: Infection. Radiation. Electromagnetic Smog. (Good at the Computer.)


Properties:  Stone of Protection. Shields against all types of negative energy. Prevents energy drains throughout the system.  Brings joy & sunshine so we can finish projects. Also blocks environmental gunk & contaminants which can help you feel euphoric. This stone is an abundance & good luck stone. It can bring wealth & money. It encourages us to follow our dreams. Good for ritual & grid work.  Eliminates bad patterns or addictive behavior. Can help with meditation. It is like a safety net & keeps you grounded so your soul can take flight & soar freely. Can help empaths or spiritual workers if you are giving to much of yourself.

This stone helps with:  Infection, Physical & Mental Well-being. If you feel overwhelmed – this is the stone for you

Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality, awareness, and wisdom. It increases inspiration and creativity. It can also help with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Quartz is a stone of harmony and is helpful in romantic relationships.


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